The XY series is based on the events of the Generation VI games. As with the previous three series, the XY series begins with only Satoshi heading off to a new region with his Pikachuu; his previous companions, Irisand Dent, have left the series. Satoshi's journey through the Kalos Region begins in Miare City, and soon he will be joined by Serena, Citron, and Eureka.
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Release Date
93All Eyes on the Future!Oct 31, 2015
92Cloudy Fate, Bright Future!Oct 25, 2015
91A Performance Pop Quiz!Oct 18, 2015
90Tag Team Inspiration!Oct 11, 2015
89A Frolicking Find in the Flowers!Oct 02, 2015
88A Trip Down Memory Train!Oct 01, 2015
87The Tiny Caretaker!Sep 25, 2015
86A Legendary Photo Op!Sep 09, 2015
85Mending a Broken Spirit!Sep 01, 2015
84Adventures in Running Errands!Aug 24, 2015
83Over the Mountain of Snow!Aug 16, 2015
82A Festival Trade! A Festival Farewell?Aug 11, 2015
81Rotom's Wish!Jul 31, 2015
80Performing with Fiery Charm!Jul 11, 2015
79A Frenzied Factory Fiasco!Jul 13, 2015
78Lights! Camera! Pika!Jul 07, 2015
77The Pokémon Sky Relay Challenge! Fly, Onbat!!Jun 28, 2015
76The Wind, the Egg and Onbat!Jun 16, 2015
75Three-Match Rival Battle! Towards the Future!!Jun 14, 2015
74Kunoe Gym Battle! The Beautiful Fairy Trap!!Jun 07, 2015
73Battle at the Fashion Show! Tatsubay VS Shushupu!!May 25, 2015
72Scary Hospitality!May 18, 2015
71So You're Having a Bad Day!May 14, 2015
70Conclusion! Numelgon, Go Over the Rainbow!!May 11, 2015
69Battle in the Marshlands! Numelgon VS Florges!!Apr 26, 2015
68The Targeted Mega Evolution! The Bonds of Gaburias!!Apr 19, 2015
67Miare Gym Battle! Satoshi vs. Citron!!Apr 12, 2015
66Miare City Investigation! Citroid vs. Black Citroid!!Apr 11, 2015
65Kameil and Raichu Appear! Good Luck Numeil!!Apr 06, 2015
64Fokko VS Mahoxy! A Splendid Performance Battle!!Mar 22, 2015
63A Fork in the Road of Indecisiveness!? Musashi and Sonansu!!Mar 09, 2015
62Protect the Future of Science! The Labyrinth of Electricity!!Mar 03, 2015
61An Oasis of Hope!Battle in the Wilderness! Fight Numera!!Feb 26, 2015
60A Showcase Debut!The Aim to Be Kalos Queen! It's Serena's Debut!!Feb 14, 2015
59Under the Pledging Tree!Satoshi and Serena's First Date!? The Presents and the Tree of Promises!!Feb 11, 2015
58The Green, Green Grass Types of Home!Hiyoku Gym Battle! Gekogashira vs. Gogoat!!Feb 02, 2015
57Thawing an Icy Panic!Vanipeti Panic! The Whiteout Is Freezing!!Jan 29, 2015
56One for the Goomy!Do It Dedenne! For Numera!!Jan 21, 2015
55A Slippery Encounter!The Weakest Dragon!? Numera Appears!!Jan 13, 2015
54Facing the Grand Design!Calamanero vs. Maaiika! The Bond That Saves the World!!Jan 03, 2015
53A Race for Home!Serena Gets Serious! The Fast Meecle Race!Dec 30, 2014
52A Stealthy Challenge!Ninja Arts Showdown! Gekogashira Against Gamenodesu!Dec 17, 2014
51When Light and Dark Collide!Luchabull and Dark Luchabull!Dec 10, 2014
50An Undersea Place to Call Home!The Undersea Castle! Kuzumo and Dramidoro!!Nov 23, 2014
49Pathways to Performance Partnering!Go Dance Yancham, Go Charm Fokko! A Step Towards the Future!!Nov 03, 2014
48Bonnie for the Defense!Send Out the Laplace Guard! Go For It Eureka!!Oct 30, 2014
47A Campus Reunion!Citron's Campus Memories! The Shocking Reunion!!Oct 22, 2014
46Dreaming a Performer's Dream!Serena's First Capture!? Yancham vs. Fokko!!Oct 14, 2014
45The Clumsy Crier Quiets the Chaos!The Clutzy Pukurin vs. the Berserk Bohmander!!Oct 08, 2014
44Splitting Heirs!Citron Against Eureka!? The Nyaonix Sibling Battle!!Oct 01, 2014
43Showdown at the Shalour Gym!Shara Gym Battle! Pikachu vs. Mega Lucario!!Sep 26, 2014
42Origins of Mega Evolution!The Master Tower! The History of Mega Evolution!!Sep 11, 2014
41Battling Into the Hall of Fame!Team Battle! The Hall of Fame Match!!Sep 04, 2014
40Foggy Pokémon Orienteering!PokéEnteering! The X in the Fog!!Sep 01, 2014
39Day Three Blockbusters!Serena vs. Sana! PokéVision Showdown!!Aug 14, 2014
38Summer of Discovery!Pokémon Summer Camp! The Rival Trio Appears!!Aug 17, 2014
37Forging Forest Friendships!The Wriggling Forest of Ohrot!Aug 09, 2014
36The Cave of Mirrors!Reflection Cave! Satoshi and the Satoshi of the Mirror Land!?Aug 05, 2014
35Battles in the Sky!Sky Battle!? Luchabull Against Fiarrow!!Jul 20, 2014
34The Forest Champion!Champion of the Forest! Luchabull Appears!!Jul 13, 2014
33The Bonds of Mega Evolution!Mega Lucario Against Mega Kucheat! The Bonds of Mega Evolution!!Jun 27, 2014
32Calling from Beyond the Aura!Call Out With Your Heart! Beyond the Aura!!Jun 16, 2014
31The Aura Storm!Mega Lucario Against Mega Lucario! A Storm of Auras!!Jun 15, 2014
30The Cave of Trials!Lucario vs. Bursyamo! The Cave of Trials!!Jun 09, 2014
29Mega Revelations!Corni and Lucario! The Secrets of Mega Evolution!!Jun 06, 2014
28Heroes - Friends and Faux Alike!Ta-Da! The Fake Satoshi Appears!!May 30, 2014
27The Bonds of Evolution!Champion Carnet Apears! The Mega Sirknight in the Fog!!May 20, 2014
26To Find a Fairy Flower!Flabébé and the Fairy Flower!May 15, 2014
25A Battle by Any Other Name!Peroppafu and Peroream!! The Sweet Battle Isn't Sweet!?Apr 29, 2014
24Climbing the Walls!Shoyo Gym Battle! Pikachu Against Chigoras!!May 08, 2014
23Coming Back into the Cold!The Aurora Bonds! Amarus and Amaruruga!Apr 21, 2014
22Going for the Gold!Catch the Golden Koiking!Apr 16, 2014
21A PokéVision of Things to Come!It's a Debut! Serena and Fokko's PokéVision!!Apr 02, 2014
20Breaking Titles at the Chateau!Challenge the Battle Chateau! Viola vs. Zakuro!!Mar 26, 2014
19A Conspiracy to Conquer!The Conspiracy of Madame X! The Calamanero of Fear!!Mar 18, 2014
18Awakening the Sleeping Giant!Wake Up Kabigon! It's a Battle in the Parfum Palace!!Mar 03, 2014
17A Rush of Ninja Wisdom!Keromatsu Against Gekogahshier! Ninja Battle!!Feb 27, 2014
16A Jolting Switcheroo!Dedenne Is Pichu and Pichu Is Dedenne...!?Feb 18, 2014
15An Appetite for Battle!Harimaron vs. Mafoxy! A Diet Battle!?Dec 31, 2009
14Seeking Shelter From the Storm!The Spooky Shelter! Nyasper Is Watching!!Dec 31, 2009
13Kindergarten Chaos!Nymphia vs. Keromatsu! Kindergarten Chaos!!Dec 31, 2009
12To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler!Capture the Pokémon Buyer! The Kofuurai Impersonation Plan!!Dec 31, 2009
11The Bamboozling Forest!The Bamboo Forest Chase! Yancham and Goronda!!Dec 31, 2009
10Mega-Mega Meowth Madness!Harimaron vs. Mega Mega Nyarth!!Dec 31, 2009
9Clemont's Got a Secret!Capture Miare Gym! Citron's Secret!!Dec 31, 2009
8Grooming Furfrou!The Pokémon Trimmer and Trimmian!Dec 31, 2009
7Giving Chase at the Rhyhorn Race!Leave it to Serena!? The Wild Sihorn Race!Dec 31, 2009
6Battling on Thin Ice!The Icy Rematch! Pikachu vs. Viviyon!!Dec 31, 2009
5A Blustery Santalune Gym Battle!The Hakudan Gym Battle! The Magnificent Viviyon's Dance Battle!!Dec 31, 2009
4A Shockingly Cheeky Friendship!Pikachu and Dedenne! Nuzzle!!Dec 31, 2009
3A Battle of Aerial Mobility!Keromatsu vs. Yayakoma! The Aerial Battle!!Dec 31, 2009
2Lumiose City Pursuit!Mega Evolution and the Prism Tower!Dec 31, 2009
1Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!Dec 31, 2009